Intel NetStructure Host Media
Processing Software Release 1.2
for Linux
Release Update
September 2006
About This Publication
This section contains information about the following topics:
• Purpose
This Release Update addresses issues associated with Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media
Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux. In addition to summarizing issues that were
known as of this release, the Release Update will continue to be updated to serve as the
primary mechanism for communicating new issues that arise after the release date.
Intended Audience
This Release Update is intended for all users of Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media
Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux.
How to Use This Publication
This Release Update is organized into four sections (click the section name to jump to the
corresponding section):
additions that are made to this Release Update after its original release. This section
is organized by document revision and document section.
release subsequent to the general availability release date. For example, the new
features provided in Service Updates are described here.
software. The lists include both known issues as well as issues that have been
resolved since the last release. Also included are restrictions and limitations that apply
to this release, as well as notes on compatibility.
apply to the HMP software release documentation set that could not be made to the
documents prior to the release. The updates are organized by documentation
category and by individual document.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
About This Publication
Related Information
See the following for additional information:
• For further information on issues that have an associated defect number, you may use
the web-enabled Defect Query tool at:
When you select this link, you will be asked to either LOGIN or JOIN. If you have any
questions about this tool or wish to provide feedback regarding this tool, please use
the contact page on the Telecom Support Services Web site at:
• If you are new to the Intel® telecom products or the latest technology and do not want
to search through volumes of documentation looking for information, use the Learn
About tool to get started quickly. This tool is located:
• For technical support resources:
• For general information about Intel telecom products:
For information about the features supported in this release, see the Release Guide
that is included as part of the documentation bookshelf for this release.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Document Revision History
This revision history summarizes the changes made in each published version of the
Release Update for Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2
for Linux, which is a document that is subject to updates during the lifetime of the release.
Document Rev 05, published September 2006
Updated for Service Update 18.
Note: This Revision History and the Release Issues sections have been modified to show issues
by Change Control System defect number and by PTR number. Issues reported prior to
March 27, 2006, will be identified by both numbers. Issues reported after March 27, 2006,
will only have a defect number.
The Release Issues section contains the following changes:
IPY00031503 (PTR 36781), IPY00032235 (PTR 36405), IPY00032236 (PTR 36062),
IPY00033758, IPY00033948.
The Documentation Updates section contains the following changes:
indicate that the MSG_ACTID parameter enables/disables active talker identification
(or notification) and not the active talker feature itself. (IPY00006584 = PTR 36199).
Host Media Processing Technology Guide to correct information on the
gc_MakeCall( ) Variances for IP. (IPY00029956 = PTR 36646). Also revised the
descriptions for the IP_H221NONSTANDARD data structure fields.
Document Rev 04, published December 2005
Updated for Service Update 14.
The Release Issues section contains the following changes:
IPY00032236 (PTR 36062), IPY00032235 (PTR 36405), IPY00023802 (PTR 36484).
Document Rev 03, published June 2005
Updated for Service Update 9.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Document Revision History
The Post-Release Developments section includes the following changes:
The Release Issues section contains the following changes:
IPY00030253 (PTR 34363), IPY00009813 (PTR 34638), IPY00010596 (PTR 34758),
IPY00009054 (PTR 34875).
The Documentation Updates section contains the following changes:
• In the Release Documentation section, for the Release Guide, corrected the Active
Talker information in the Features list and removed dcb_monconf() and
dcb_unmonconf() from the list of Audio Conferencing API functions not supported.
• In the Operating Software Documentation section, added information about starting
the License Manager to the Intel NetStructure® Host Media Processing Software
Release 1.2 for Linux License Manager Administration Guide.
• In the Development Software Documentation section, added information about the
dx_mreciottdata( ) function to the Voice API Host Media Processing Library
• In the Development Software Documentation section, added information about
Transaction Record to the Voice API for Host Media Processing Programming Guide.
• In the Demonstration Software Documentation section, for Linux, the path names and
executables for starting all of the demos have been changed.
Document Rev 02, published January 2005
Updated for Service Update 6.
Added a new section, Post-Release Developments, that describes the new features
contained in the Service Update and provides information about installing the Service
Update software.
The Release Issues section contains the following changes:
IPY00009304 (PTR 33638), IPY00009801 (PTR 33644), IPY00009082 (PTR 33762),
IPY00009204 (PTR 33894), IPY00030251 (PTR 33919), IPY00010238 (PTR 34148).
• Removed a number of Global Call, IP, and IPML Restrictions and Limitations which
have either been resolved or documented elsewhere.
• Added new Operating System Notes section
The Documentation Updates section contains the following changes:
• In the Release Documentation section, added information about revising the footnote
in Table 1 of the Release Guide.
• In the Release Documentation section, provided new Software Requirements.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Document Revision History
• In the Release Documentation section, added information about revising Table 2 of
the Release Guide to support 120 low bit rate coders (Enhanced RTP resources).
• In the Demonstration Software Documentation section, added note with respect to
each Demo Guide about demos not working on channel numbers above 120.
Document Rev 01, published October 2004
Initial version of document.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
This section describes significant changes to the Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media
Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux subsequent to the general availability release
• Support for 120 Low Bit Rate Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
• Transaction Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Service Update for Host Media Processing Software
1.2 for Linux
A Service Update for Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2
for Linux is now available. Service Updates provide fixes to known problems, and may also
introduce new functionality. New versions of the Service Update will be released
periodically. This Release Update will document the features in the Service Update.
Depending on whether you already have an Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing
Software Release 1.2 for Linux Service Update installed on your system, the Service
Update will either give you a full install or an update install.
If you do not have Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for
Linux installed on your system, installing the Service Update will provide a full install of
Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux.
If you already have an Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release
1.2 for Linux Service Update installed on your system, installing this Service Update will
provide an update install. The update install adds the latest software to support the
features provided by the Service Update.
Service Update Software Installation
The following information supercedes that of the Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media
Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux Installation Guide.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Assumptions and Prerequisites
The following are basic requirements to install and run the HMP software:
• Before installing the HMP Software, make sure that the system meets the hardware
and software “System Requirements” as described the HMP Software Release Guide.
These requirements include the following:
– A system with either Red Hat Enterprise Linux including Update 1 or Update 3
installed (You must also install the Intel-provided kernel on top of the base
Red Hat release. See the README file of this HMP release.) or SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server installed (includes kernel version 2.6.8-24).
– A minimum of 512MB of RAM if running without an X Windows System.
– A minimum of 1GB of RAM if running in an X Windows System.
– The machine must be able to resolve its name to an IP address, either using DNS
or the /etc/hosts file. If it cannot resolve its name, HMP will NOT start.
• To install the software, you must have local administrative privileges. Contact your
network administrator to set up administrative privileges as required.
• Uninstall any previous version of the HMP Software (or any Intel® Dialogic® system
Note that the HMP Service Update software has three install scripts:
• One at the top level which installs both runtime components as well as header files
(run this one to be able to compile your application) (recommended)
• One in the redistributable-runtime directory, which installs runtime components (no
header files)
• One in the sdk directory, which installs header files for application development
Order of Procedures
This section describes the order in which the installation procedures must be performed.
If this is a new install, before you use the HMP Software, you must obtain a license file
containing HMP license data. You can obtain a license before or after you install the HMP
Software. A verification license supplied with the software will allow you to run the
verification demo (IP Media Server demo) to confirm that you have installed the HMP
Software properly. However, its features are limited and you may want to obtain another
license. For more information, refer to the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2
for Linux License Manager Administration Guide.
The basic order of the installation process is as follows:
1. Install the HMP 1.2 Service Update software as described in Section 1.2.3, “Installing
2. Use the License Manager application to configure the system. This consists of
activating an HMP Software license (refer to the Host Media Processing Software 1.2
for Linux Installation Guide).
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
3. Manually start HMP services using dlstart. HMP services will start automatically
whenever you reboot your system.
Installing the Service Update
The following procedure describes how to install the Service Update.
1. Log in to the Linux system as root.
2. Download and unarchive the Service Update software from the Web.
3. Enter the following command to start the install script:
The following messages are displayed:
Installing Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software 1.2
Redistributable Runtime for Linux
Initializing install, please wait .......
Intel ® NetStructure ™ Host Media Processing Software 1.2
Redistributable Runtime
You will now have the opportunity to install software packages.
After the menu is displayed, enter the package number(s) of the desired
packages, separated by a space. Enter A for all packages, Q to quit.
Package dependencies will be automatically resolved during installation. For
example, selecting a single package will automatically install all packages
required for that selection.
Press ENTER to display the menu packages.
4. Press Enter.
The following menu is displayed:
Package Description
---- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software (74 MB)
SNMP Component Manager (48 MB)
Documentation (15 MB)
Install All (96 MB)
Quit Installation
Enter the packages you wish installed, separated by a space, or [A,a,Q,q]:
5. Enter the numbers or letter that correspond to what you want to install. Unless space
or other considerations dictate that you limit what you install, you can just enter a to
install everything.
You will see messages about package installation order, checking for previously
installed packages, checking for sufficient disk space, and installation progress. Then
the installation menu (shown above) will reappear.
6. Enter q to quit and complete the installation process. The following message is
Do you wish to run config.sh to configure your system [Yn] ?
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
7. At this point, you have two options:
• Enter y if you already have obtained a license or want to use the verification
license supplied with the software. Follow the procedure for activating a license in
Section 2.4 of the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux
Installation Guide.
• Enter n if you do not want to use the verification license or have not obtained the
license you want. After you have obtained a license, run config.sh (located in
/usr/dialogic/bin) and follow the procedure for activating a license in Section 2.4
of the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux Installation Guide.
Note:You must run config.shat least once after installing the software.
After the configuration has been completed, the following messages are displayed:
Configuration is now complete.
Before using the software, you must ensure that the Intel(R) Dialogic(R)
environment variables are set using the following action:
- Logout and login
The Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) system services will automatically
start every time the system is reboooted.
NOTE: To start and stop system services manually, use the dlstop and
dlstart scripts found in /usr/dialogic/bin.
Do you wish to run the HMP demo on your system [y/n] ?
Enter y to run the HMP Verification Demo. The system will then start the Intel Dialogic
services. After the Intel Dialogic services have been started, the HMP Verification Demo
will start automatically. After the demo has completed, the Intel Dialogic services will be
stopped and the following message should be displayed:
Installation of the Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software 1.2
Redistributable Runtime for Linux was successful.
HMP Verification Demo
The HMP Verification Demo confirms the success of the HMP Software Service Update 1
installation by establishing a basic level of functionality after the installation has been
completed. The demo performs some sanity checks and then waits for a Voice Over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) call to be placed using an H.323 or SIP phone configured to use
G.711. After the connection is made, a message prompt is played to the calling party.
Note: The HMP Verification Demo can only be launched from the
/usr/dialogic/demos/verification_demo location. The demo will fail if launched from a
different directory.
Note: If you are using Microsoft* NetMeeting* with Windows* XP* to place a call, there may be
up to one minute delay from the time a call is placed until the prompt is played.
Environment Variables
The INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB environment variable (for example,
-L${INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB} -lgc) should be used for linking to Intel HMP 1.2 Service
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Update 1 libraries. Failure to use this environment variable in makefiles may cause linking
failures due to potential name conflicts.
Support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.2
The Service Update also provides support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.2.
At a minimum, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server kernel .config file should be configured
as follows:
• CONFIG_M586 should be disabled and CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 or
CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII should be enabled, depending on your processor
• CONFIG_PREEMPT should be enabled
• CONFIG_HPET_RTC_IRQ should be disabled
Although the .config file can be manually configured, it is recommended that you use the
provided configuration script from the Web site:
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update 3
In addition to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update 1, Update 3 is now also supported by the
Service Update.
Note: Update 2 is not supported by this Service Update.
Support for 120 Low Bit Rate Channels
This Service Update increases the number of low bit rate channels supported to 120. See
Transaction Record
Transaction Record enables the recording of a two-party conversation by allowing two
time slots from a single channel to be recorded. This feature is useful in call center
applications where it is necessary to archive a verbal transaction or record a live
conversation. Voice activity on two channels can be summed and stored in a single file or
combination of files, devices, and memory.
The voice API function dx_mreciottdata() is used to implement the transaction record
feature. It is an extension of the dx_reciottdata() function.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
This chapter includes the following topics that relate to release issues:
• Compatibility Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
The following table lists issues that can affect the performance of the software supported
in Intel® NetStructure™ Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux. The
following information is provided for each issue:
Issue Type
This classifies the type of release issue based on its effect on users and its
• Known - An issue that affects the performance of the Host Media Processing
(HMP) Software. This category includes interoperability issues and compatibility
issues. Known issues are still open but may or may not be fixed in the future. See
• Resolved - An issue that was resolved in a previous release of the product
Defect Number
A unique identification number that is used to track each issue reported via a formal
Change Control System. Additional information on defects may be available via the
you will be asked to login. If you do not have a member login, you may create one.)
For issues without an associated defect number, this column contains “NA” (Not
PTR Number
Problem Tracking Report Number from problem tracking system used prior to March
27, 2006. For customer convenience, both the PTR number and the corresponding
defect number are shown. For issues reported after March 27, 2006, this column
contains “--” and only the defect number is used to track the issue. (The Defect Query
tool also provides the ability to search by legacy PTR number.)
Product or Component
The product or component to which the problem relates, typically one of the following:
• a system-level component; for example, HMP 1.2 Linux
• a software product; for example, the Global Call Library
• a software component; for example, Continuous Speech Processing
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
A summary description of the issue. For non-resolved issues, a workaround is
included when available.
Table 1. Issues Resolved in HMP 1.2
Product or
Number No. Component
IPY00033948 --
dlstop does not stop all Dialogic processes if the user’s
default shell is csh.
IPY00033758 --
teeloger process is created each time ct_intel restart is
IPY00032236 36062
IPY00032235 36405
IPY00031503 36781
Kernel fails with a QVERIFY FAILED in lbrac.c 220 after
approximately 25 days.
Kernel fails with a qerror_killtask AND ERROR CODE
0X41107 after approximately 25 days.
Changing the ethernet interface name from the default of
ethX produces an error (e.g., “Kernel failed to interpret the
license key, boardNumber=1, processor=CP”) on Dialogic
system services start up.
IPY00032236 36062
IPY00032235 36405
IPY00023802 36484
IPY00009054 34875
IP Host
Kernel fails with a QVERIFY FAILED on the lbrac.c file
after approximately 25 days.
Kernel fails with a QERROR_KILLTASK and error code
0x41107 after approximately 25 days.
Multiple channels sending RTP data to a same IP address
and same RTP port cause the channels to hang.
Because the maximum number of instances in the PCD
file was set too low, a killtask (and eventually a blue
screen) occured when trying to download the 240R-240V-
120E-240C-240S-64F SKU.
IPY00010596 34758
IPY00009813 34638
The free default single channel SKU should be
1r1v0e0c0s0f_ver.xml, not 1r1v1e1c1s1f_ver.xml.
Adding a tone using the dx_addtone( ) function, followed
by the dx_distone( ) function on a high density channels (
for example, 240) results in some tones failing.
IPY00030253 34363
HMP conferencing uses a phase reversal algorithm to
improve audio quality in conferencing. However, typical
PESQ tests do not recognize this and report low PESQ. A
parameter has been added that allows the phase reversal
algorithm to be disabled so PESQ tests will not fail.
IPY00001238 34148
IPY00030251 33919
The function dx_open() takes up to 10 seconds to
complete when running as non-root user. The function
returns successful after those 10 seconds.
When running as root, there is no such delay.
Upon running different consecutive runs of the same
application, hmpperf, in different configurations, the 90th
run always fails.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Table 1. Issues Resolved in HMP 1.2 (Continued)
Product or
Number No. Component
IPY00009204 33894
Global Call
During heavy load, while running CSP and voice together,
the HMP system may miss an event and have a channel
stay busy.
IPY00009082 33762
Segmentation fault in gc_Start() when more than 1024
files have been opened prior to calling gc_Start(). If 1024
files are opened after gc_Start() and after opening the
devices, no calls can be established.
IPY00009801 33644
The interface does not indicate if it is necessary to reboot
after activating a license and uninstalling the software. If
there is a reboot message in the software script, it scrolls
too quickly for users to see.
IPY00009304 33638
IPY00011176 33609
Difficult to see the "success" messages on the screen
because several error messages run into the "success'
HMP Linux 1.2 software will not install correctly on a
system that does not have compat-libstdc++-7.3-
2.96.123.i386.rpm installed. The following error message
is displayed when the HMP configuration script is run:
fcdgen: error while loading shared
libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or
IPY00011219 33449
If you try to use the install script a second time to install a
package that has already been installed, disk space check
will fail and the install script will terminate and exit. The
disk space check failure does not necessarily mean the
system is low on disk space.
IPY00011186 33401
IPY00011189 33395
Global Call
Applications running H.323 under Global Call with the
default list of coders (don’t care) will see error messages
on the console.
The LicenseManager program includes the -l option, which
reads and executes commands from the
LicenseManager.ini file. The LicenseManager expects this
file to reside in /usr/dialogic/ini, but the ini subdirectory
does not currently exist in HMP LInux 1.2.
IPY00011191 33393
IPY00011217 33386
Segmentation Fault occurs in the IP Media Server demo if
the CSP option is chosen and a non-CSP licensed is
Global Call
Applications running H.323 under Global Call may get
GCEV_DISCONNECTED for an outbound call with the
error message:
This error is caused by socket errors.
IPY00011248 33380
The ec_stream() and ec_reciottdata() functions do not
return errors back to the application when an unsupported
recorded format is used.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Table 1. Issues Resolved in HMP 1.2 (Continued)
Product or
Number No. Component
IPY00011249 33376
During the install, instead of entering 1 to install the HMP
software, if a 1` entered. (the 1 and the key to the left of
the 1 key), the install prints out some error messages and
then installs only two of the packages (OOC and DMDEV).
IPY00011233 33363
IPY00024459 33325
Merc Stream Rcv Disconnect(): unexpected Drv. Msg
C00013 prints to the screen while running tests.
If the ec_stream() function is used with
BitsPerSample=16, the resulting recorded file is in
IPY00011174 33312
CPU usage rises to 100% when testing continuous speech
processing on more than 96 channels with echo
cancellation enabled.
IPY00011129 33268
IPY00011283 32818
IPY00011284 32817
Global Call
Global Call
Global Call
Global Call library does not handle error scenario when an
unmatched callIdentity is received in H.450.2 call xfer.
A segfault occurs in gc_Stop() regardless of whether RTF
log files are deleted.
A segfault occurs in gc_GetMetaEvent() after
gc_AcceptCall() is issued. Debugging shows the event
being retrieved is GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT. This
problem seems to occur with loads that do not use low bit
rate coders, and can only be reproduced if RTF log files
are deleted prior to running the application.
IPY00011329 32518
IPY00011489 32514
Global Call
Application may hang after calling gc_Close() function.
You may receive a compiler warning in ctinfo.h about an
undefined token after the #endif directive. This warning will
have no impact on your application and may be safely
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Table 2. Known Issues in HMP 1.2
Product or
Number Component
IPY00028330 34473
When NetMeeting on Windows XP is used to call into IPMS demo
on HMP, the call is established, but digit press is not recognized
by the demo side.
Workaround: None
IPY00028493 34440
When a voice mail message is successfully recorded and then
listened to, the option to either save the message or delete it does
not work.
Workaround: Recompile the demo application. From the
following path: /usr/dialogic/demos/ip_demos/IPMediaServer,
enter the command:
>make clean
followed by:
>make all
IPY00006505 34425
IPY00010138 33783
When running CSP applications with 120 or more channels, a
stuck channel may occur occasionally when the TDX_BARGEIN
event is missed during CSP operations.
Workaround: Stop all cron jobs while running high channel
density CSP applications.
An HMP system failure may occur in an application with channel
densities above 40 running on a computer with 256K cache or
Workaround: For channel densities above 40, use a computer
with Intel® Pentium® 4 processors that have greater than 256K
cache (default for newer computers is a cache size greater than
512K). The size of the cache on the machine can be
determined by looking in the file /proc/cpuinfo.
Restrictions and Limitations
Known restrictions and limitations in this release can be categorized as follows:
• General
• Voice
• Fax
• Voice
• High I/O activity (for example, updatedb) during heavy HMP activity may cause an
increase in error rates, such as degraded digit detection and voice quality.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
• DM3Stderr and DebugAngel diagnostics tools are not supported in this release. As a
way to debug DM3 firmware, all firmware prints are sent to /var/log/messages by
default. They can be sent to stdout when the boot kernel is run in non-daemon mode.
You must ensure that syslogger is enabled and running. To check, use “ps -ef | grep
syslogger”. If it is not running, you can start it using the Linux setup utility.
• If you run an application as root and then switch to a non-privileged user, any log files
created in the first run will probably be read-only for the non-privileged user.
• For users who do not use DNS or have a system with no DNS entry, the /etc/hosts file
must contain an entry with the machine’s hostname and IP address. The hostname
should only appear once in the file.
• The HMP system does not operate with board level products and system software
releases installed on the same machine.
• All cron jobs should be scheduled for off-peak hours to avoid performance issues.
• The dcb_setbrdparm() function fails when attempting to set MSG_ALGORITHM to
ALGO_LOUD and ATDV_ERRMSGP returns "Bad global parameter value". Do not
set this parameter. By default, the algorithm uses the Loudest Talker.
• For fax applications, the header file srllib.h must appear before the header file faxlib.h
in the #include directive.
Global Call, IP, and IPML
• Only IP-specific Global Call features will be provided as described in the Global Call
IP for Host Media Processing Technology Guide (05-2239-003).
• G.711 µ-Law and A-Law IP Encoding/Decoding only support 64 Kbps.
• If a call is made to HMP using NetMeeting* from a machine that does not have a
sound card, the coder negotiation will fail and the call will be disconnected before a
GCEV_ANSWERED event is generated.
• If a call is made to HMP using NetMeeting, the "secure outgoing calls" option must not
be selected.
• Global Call applications using T.38 should call
gc_SetUserInfo(IPPARM_T38_CONNECT) after GCEV_OFFERED, but before the
next GC function call, for T.38 only calls. Otherwise, the call will fail and the application
will get a GCEV_TASKFAIL event.
• The ipm_SendRFC2833SignalToIP() function is not supported on HMP. The
application cannot use this API to generate RFC2833 digits on a call. Use the voice
device to dial digits and set up RFC2833 transfer mode in a call.
• Host applications should always clean up resources before exiting by using one of the
following methods:
• If using Global Call call control, the application should call gc_DropCall() followed
by gc_ReleaseCall(), or use gc_ResetLineDev().
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
• If using a non-Global Call call control stack, the application should stop RTP
sessions by using ipm_Stop().
• Using the dlstop and dlstart commands to stop and then start HMP.
• An application should not open more than 1024 files in a process. If an application
needs to use many files for media operations, the files should be opened and closed
as needed instead of keeping them open throughout the process.
• The dx_reciottdata() and dx_playiottdata() functions do not support recording or
playing in WAVE format to/from memory; only VOX format.
• Global Tone Detection (GTD) does not support detecting user defined tones as digits
via the digit queue; the tones are only detected as tone events via the event queue.
• For dual tone definition, the frequency deviation that is defined in the tone template for
each frequency must be not less than 30 Hz.
• For single tone definition, the frequency deviation that is defined in the tone template
for each frequency must be not less than 30 Hz.
• The number of tone templates which can be added to a voice device and enabled for
detection is limited. The maximum number of events for each instance is 10.
• The dx_dial() function only detects CED tones for CR_FAXTONE event. CNG tones
cannot be detected.
• The dx_playtoneEx() function will not terminate after the time specified by the
DX_MAXTIME termination parameter has elapsed.
• DTMF digits not processed by the user application with dx_getdig() or other means
remain in the device after it is closed with dx_close(), and remain with the device
even after the application terminates. To ensure that the buffer is empty, clear the digit
buffer using dx_clrdigbuf().
• The dx_getctinfo() and fx_getctinfo() functions return incorrect values for Device
Family and Bus Mode.
• G.711 10 ms is not supported at densities above 120 channels.
• G.726 is not supported at densities above 120 channels.
• Demos are intended to be run using a maximum of 4 channels. Also, the channel
numbers selected for the demo should be 120 or lower. Using channel numbers
higher than 120 could cause the demo to fail.
Resolved Restrictions and Limitations
The following Restrictions and Limitations have been resolved:
Host-based H.323 Protocol Stack
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
Global Call applications that use the host-based H.323 protocol stack may generate the
following error message in the gc_h3r.log file if the application enables the stack to send
the PROCEEDING message automatically.
! 22:22:19.393 ! M_SIGNAL ! L_ERROR ! 1 ! << SIGNAL::sendProcceding: RV
cmCallSendCallProceeding Failed : [-996]
This error message can be ignored. The PROCEEDING message is actually sent.
Compatibility Notes
Echo Cancellation With Continuous Speech Processing
For HMP Continuous Speech Processing (CSP), the Echo Cancellation parameter default
value is set to OFF (echo cancellation disabled). To conserve CPU usage/MIPs, the
application should keep this parameter value set to OFF.
For additional information about CSP, refer to the Continuous Speech Processing API for
Linux and Windows Library Reference and the Continuous Speech Processing API for
Linux and Windows Programming Guide.
Echo Cancellation With Conferencing
For HMP conferencing, the Echo Cancellation parameter default value is set to OFF (echo
cancellation disabled) for compatibility with DCB applications. This parameter must not be
turned ON by the application. Enabling echo cancellation causes poor conference audio
For additional information about Conferencing, refer to the Audio Conferencing API for
Linux and Windows Operating Systems Library Reference and the Audio Conferencing
API for Linux and Windows Operating Systems Programming Guide.
Configuring UDP/RTP Port Range
The HMP system currently defaults to UDP/RTP ports 6000 through 6100 and UDP ports
49152 through 49xxx for RTP streaming, where 49xxx = 49152 + twice the maximum
number of channels purchased under the licensing agreement. For example, if 120
channels were purchased, 49xxx would be 49392.
If the UDP/RTP port range used by the HMP system conflicts with other RTP service, the
following procedure describes how to configure HMP to use a different UDP/RTP port
1. Stop the system service.
2. Locate the .config file in the /usr/dialogic/data directory that matches the FCD/PCD
files associated with your licensed configuration.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
3. Using a text editor, open the .config file.
4. Locate the [IPVSC] section in the .config file.
5. In the [IPVSC] section, locate the line
setparm 0x4005, 49512 !set the rtpPortBase on IPVSC
The number 49512 is the default value for this parameter. You may change the
beginning of the UDP/RTP port range by first editing this value and saving the .config
6. After you have saved the .config file with the new UDP/RTP port value, open the
Command Prompt window.
7. From the Command Prompt, change the directory to /usr/dialogic/data.
8. Execute fcdgen as follows:
/usr/dialogic/bin/fcdgen -f <input filename>.config -o <output
The resulting FCD file is created in the /usr/dialogic/data directory. If the -o option is
omitted from the command, the default output FCD file will have the same filename as
the user-modified input .config file, but with an .fcd extension.
9. Restart the system service to download the new configuration to HMP.
Configuring T.38 Service Port Range
The HMP system currently defaults to port 6000 as the starting UDP/RTP port for the T.38
service port. If the T.38 service port range used by the HMP system conflicts with other
RTP service, the following procedure describes how to configure HMP to use a different
T.38 service port range:
1. Stop the system service.
2. Locate the .config file in the /usr/dialogic/data directory that matches the FCD/PCD
files associated with your licensed configuration.
3. Using a text editor, open the .config file.
4. Locate the [0xe] section in the .config file.
5. In the [0xe] section, locate the line
setparm 0x4c21, 6000 ! QFC3_PrmIPRxPortBase (QFC3_PrmLocalUDPPortBase)
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
The number 6000 is the default value for this parameter. You may change the
beginning of the T.38 service port range by first editing this value and saving the
.config file.
6. After you have saved the .config file with the new T.38 service port value, open the
Command Prompt window.
7. From the Command Prompt, change the directory to /usr/dialogic/data.
8. Execute fcdgen as follows:
/usr/dialogic/bin/fcdgen -f <input filename>.config -o <output
The resulting FCD file is created in the /usr/dialogic/data directory. If the -o option is
omitted from the command, the default output FCD file will have the same filename as
the user-modified input .config file, but with an .fcd extension.
9. Restart the system service to download the new configuration to HMP.
H.323 Coder Negotiation with Third Party Stacks
Use caution when restricting coder frame sizes or frames per packet while communicating
with third-party H.323 stacks. The IPT H.323 protocol stack uses both coder type and
frames per packet as part of the algorithm to determine a successful Tx/Rx media match.
Restricting coder frame sizes can cause Fast Start calls to fallback to Slow Start or coder
negotiation to fail. See the following example.
A Global Call application configures a channel for G.711 A Law with a frame size of 10
milliseconds. A third-party H.323 stack, which is configured for G.711 A-Law with a
frame size of 30 milliseconds, initiates a call to the application. The IPT H.323 protocol
stack will use 10 milliseconds as an upper limit for both the Tx and Rx media
directions. Even though both sides support the same coder, the frame size
discrepancy can cause the coder negotiation to fail, resulting in a
H.323 T.38 HMP Interoperability with the Intel NetStructure PBX-IP
Media Gateway
HMP has not been tested with the current version of the Intel NetStructure PBX-IP Media
Gateway (Version 4.0 Service Update 2) when using H.323 T.38 Fax.
SIP Call Control
If the remote site does not respond to an outgoing INVITE sent from HMP, the
gc_MakeCall() function will time out after 32 seconds and generate a GCEV-
DISCONNECTED event. In this scenario, if the application attempts to drop the call before
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
the 32 second timeout is reached, a CANCEL will be sent by HMP to the remote site. If
there is no response by the remote site to the CANCEL, there will be an additional 32
second timeout, at the end of which, a GCEV_DISCONNECTED event will be reported.
Supervised Transfer
H.450.2 Supervised Transfer has not been tested with Cisco 5300 running IOS 12.3(8).
Operating System Notes
Using Multiple NICs Under Heavy Loads
When using multiple network interface cards (NICs) under heavy loads, kernel assertions
may occur.
Symptom: Calls may fail with the following message displayed:
kernel: KERNEL: assertion (flags & MSG_PEEK) > failed at net/ipv4/tcp.c
Resolution 1 - If you have two NICs on one segment, turn off Forwarding on at least one
of the NICs.
net.ipv4.conf.eth0.forwarding = 0
net.ipv4.conf.eth2.forwarding = 0
Resolution 2 - Update the following system parameters as shown:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048
sysctl -w net.ipv4.route.max_size=1048576
sysctl -w net.ipv4.route.gc_thresh=65536
Elvtune Using IOCTLS
Elvtune using IOCTLS is now deprecated. To tune the IO scheduler, use the files exported
to the sysfs directory.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006
The documentation updates are divided into the following sections, which correspond to
the top level categories used in the online documentation navigation page:
• Development Software Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Release Documentation
This section contains updates to the following documents:
Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux
Release Guide
In Chapter 2, “System Requirements”, the following information applies to the Basic
Hardware Requirements section:
• The footnote in Table 1 should read: “‡ = Up to a maximum of 120 low bit rate coder
In Chapter 2, “System Requirements”, the following information applies to the Software
Requirements section:
The software requirements for this release are:
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server Release 3 with Update 1 or Update (with
kernel version provided by Intel)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.2 (includes kernel version 2.6.8-24)
• Supported compilers: GCC Version 3.2.3
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
In Chapter 2, “System Requirements”, the following section is added:
2.4 Running a Demo Using a Single Channel
The default channel license provided with the HMP Linux 1.2 software relies on the
correctness of the /etc/hosts file. Invalid entries in this file will render the HMP product
non-functional with respect to the default channel license. For example:
<< incorrect
<< incorrect
<< correct
In Chapter 3, “ Release Features”, the following information applies to the
Configurations Tested section:
• Current testing of 240 channels is performed with G.711 20 ms and 30 ms frames
• Current testing of 240 channels is performed using the Intel 8254x-based gigabit
Ethernet solution. Other network interface cards may not provide optimum
performance. However, 8241, 8245, 8246, and 8247-based gigabit cards are also
expected to perform well. These cards provide superior performance by:
Minimizing the number of interrupts needed relative to work accomplished.
Reducing the frequency of all interrupts by setting the “Interrupt Throttling Register”
to the appropriate value.
Accepting multiple receive packets before signaling an interrupt.
Eliminating (or at least reducing) the need for interrupts on transmit.
Minimizing the processing overhead associated with each interrupt.
The following procedure for obtaining Update 1 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced
Server 3.0 applies to Section 2.2, “Software Requirements” of Chapter 2, “System
1. If you do not already have a login, create a login and subscribe to the Red Hat
to enter the Red Hat product ID.
3. Select Channels from the tab selections at the top of the page.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
4. Select Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS from the Channel Name list.
5, Select Downloads from the menu selections.
6. After reading and accepting the License Agreement, follow the instructions provided
on the Web page to download the four ISO Binary Discs that comprise Update 1.
Also, refer to the Red Hat Installation Manual for additional information.
In Chapter 3, “ Release Features”, the following information applies to the
Configurations Tested section:
• Table 2 has been changed as follows to reflect the support of 120 Enhanced RTP
IVR (G.711)
IVR (G.711)
Unified Messaging
Unified Messaging
Unified Messaging
Gateway (SIP)
Gateway (H.323)
Conferencing (DCB)
Conferencing (DCB)
In Chapter 4, “Development Software”, the following apply:
• The bullet describing “Active Talker” in the Features section should read:
“Active talker indication to determine which conferees in any given conference are
currently talking.”
• The only Audio Conferencing API function not supported is:
In Chapter 5, “Release Documentation”, the following apply:
• The correct part number for the IP Media Library API for Host Media Processing
Library Reference is 05-2257-003.
• The correct part number for the IP Media Library API for Host Media Processing
Programming Guide is 05-2330-001.
• The correct part number for the Voice API for Host Media Processing Programming
Guide is 05-2332-001.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
• The IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo Guide (P/N 05-2065-001) has been replaced
by the IP Media Server for Host Media Processing Demo Guide (P/N 05-2389-001).
• The correct title for the Diagnostics Guide is Intel NetSructure Host Media Processing
Diagnostics Guide.
Installation Documentation
This section contains updates to the following documents:
Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux
Installation Guide
The following information applies:
• In Section 2.1 “Assumptions and Prerequisites” of Chapter 2, “Installing the
Software”, the correct version of the Intel-provided kernel is
• After installing or uninstalling the HMP Linux 1.2 software, it is not necessary to reboot
the system. You will, however, need to set the environment variables after installing
the software. To set the environment variables, enter: source /etc/profile.d/ct_intel.sh
or, alternatively: logout and then login.
(IPY00008512 = PTR 33848)
• In Step 4 of the procedure for uninstalling the HMP Linux software in Chapter 3,
“Uninstalling the Software”, you must use the following procedure to start the
License Manager:
1. If the system services are started, enter the hmpconfig command; if the system
services are stopped, enter the config.sh command (both are located in the
/usr/dialogic/bin directory) to start the configuration tool.
2. If using config.sh, then once inside the configuration tool, press Enter to start
hmpconfig and display the License Manager main menu.
(IPY00009997 = PTR 33828)
Operating Software Documentation
This section contains updates to the following documents:
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux
License Manager Administration Guide
In all instances, the correct procedure for starting the License Manager is:
1. Enter the config.sh command (located in the /usr/dialogic/bin directory) to start the
configuration tool.
2. Once inside the configuration tool, press Enter to start hmpconfig and display the
License Manager main menu.
(IPY00009997 = PTR 33828)
The procedures for changing or removing the HMP IP address should include an initial
step of stopping HMP services by running the dlstopscript and a final step of restarting
the HMP services by running the dlstart script. This affects the following procedures:
• In Chapter 9, “Changing the HMP IP Address”, add these steps to the Using the
Menu Version of the License Manager and the Using the CLI Version of the
Licensing Manager procedures.
• In Chapter 10, “Removing a User-Selected HMP IP Address”, add these steps to
the Using the Menu Version of the License Manager and Using the CLI Version
of the Licensing Manager procedures.
(IPY00010180 = PTR 33850)
The information in Chapter 11, “Stopping and Restarting the HMP Services” should
be as follows:
This chapter describes how to manually stop and restart the HMP services.
If you need to stop and restart the HMP services:
• Run the dlstopscript to stop the HMP services
• Run the dlstart script to restart the HMP services
Notes:1. Before you run these scripts, Linux must be started with the kernel supported for this
release (refer to the Release Guide).
2. The HMP services are started automatically when you reboot your system.
Host Media Processing Diagnostics Guide
The following changes and corrections apply:
• Disregard Chapter 4, “DM3StdErr Reference” and all references to the Dm3StdErr
tool because this tool is not supported by the HMP Linux 1.2 software.
• In Chapter 5, “Getver Reference,” the filename in the example should be ssp.mlm
instead of qvs_t1.mlm.
• Disregard Chapter 7, “QError Reference” because the QError tool is obsolete and
will be removed from future versions of the HMP Linux software.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Development Software Documentation
This section contains updates to the following documents:
Audio Conferencing API for Linux and Windows Operating
Systems Library Reference
Update to dcb_getbrdparm( ) and dcb_setbrdparm( ) functions (IPY00006584 = PTR
Changed the description of the MSG_ACTID parameter to indicate that it
enables/disables active talker identification (or notification) and not the active talker
feature itself. Replace the MSG_ACTID parameter with the following:
Enables or disables Active Talker Identification (or Notification). Possible values are
ACTID_ON or ACTID_OFF. ACTID_ON is the default. This parameter does not enable or
disable the active talker feature, which is always enabled. It only disables the notification to
the application program. The active talker feature sums the 3 most active talkers in a
conference, so that the conversation doesn’t get drowned out when too many people talk at
once. Active talker notification provides data on active talkers through the dcb_gettalkers( )
and dcb_GetAtiBitsEx( ) functions, which can be used by an application program to identify
active talkers; for example, to provide a visual display highlighting the active talkers in a
conference. Active talkers are determined by their loudness; i.e., the strength of their “non-
silence” energy.
Note: In some cases, it is desirable to inactivate the active talker feature, such as for a
background music application program. Although you cannot directly disable the
active talker feature, you can set the noise level threshhold by which signals are
recognized as either speech or noise.
Audio Conferencing API for Linux Operating Systems
Programming Guide
Update to Section 6.2, “Initialization of DM3 Board Parameters” and to “Active Talker”
chapter (IPY00006584 = PTR 36199)
Changed the description of the MSG_ACTID parameter to indicate that it
enables/disables active talker identification (or notification) and not the active talker
feature itself. Replace the MSG_ACTID parameter with the following:
MSG_ACTID (Active Talker Identification)
Enables or disables Active Talker Identification (or Notification). Possible values are
ACTID_ON or ACTID_OFF. ACTID_ON is the default. This parameter does not enable or
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
disable the active talker feature, which is always enabled. It only disables the notification to
the application program. The active talker feature sums the 3 most active talkers in a
conference, so that the conversation doesn’t get drowned out when too many people talk at
once. Active talker notification provides data on active talkers through thedcb_gettalkers( )
and dcb_GetAtiBitsEx( ) functions, which can be used by an application program to identify
active talkers; for example, to provide a visual display highlighting the active talkers in a
conference. Active talkers are determined by their loudness; i.e., the strength of their “non-
silence” energy.
Note: In some cases, it is desirable to inactivate the active talker feature, such as for a
background music application program. Although you cannot directly disable the
active talker feature, you can set the noise level threshhold by which signals are
recognized as either speech or noise.
Continuous Speech Processing API for Linux and Windows
Operating Systems Library Reference
For more information on DV_TPT termination conditions when using ec_reciottdata() and
ec_stream() functions, see the DV_TPT data structure description in the Voice API for
Host Media Processing Library Reference.
(IPY00010008 = PTR 33269)
The code examples for the functions ec_reciottdata() and ec_stream() specify a data
format that is not valid on HMP. The example code should be revised as follows:
xpb.wFileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_VOX;
xpb.wDataFormat = DATA_FORMAT_PCM;
xpb.nSamplesPerSec = DRT_8KHZ;
xpb.wBitsPerSample = 8;
xpb.wFileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_VOX;
xpb.wDataFormat = DATA_FORMAT_MULAW;
xpb.nSamplesPerSec = DRT_8KHZ;
xpb.wBitsPerSample = 8;
(IPY00009264 = PTR 33379)
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Continuous Speech Processing API for Linux and Windows
Operating Systems Programming Guide
There are currently no updates to this document.
Device Management API for Windows and Linux Operating
Systems Library Reference
There are currently no updates to this document.
Fax Software Reference for Linux and Windows
There are currently no updates to this document.
Global Call API for Host Media Processing Library
There are currently no updates to this document.
Global Call API for Host Media Processing on Linux
Programming Guide
There are currently no updates to this document.
Global Call IP for Host Media Processing Technology Guide
The following information applies:
• Update Section 7.2.16, "gc_MakeCall( ) Variances for IP" (IPY00029956 = PTR
36646) the last paragraph before Section (page 173) as follows:
When using SIP, if the remote side does not send a final response to an outgoing
INVITE (sent by the call control library) within 64 seconds, the gc_MakeCall( ) function
times out and the library generates a GCEV_DISCONNECTED event to the
application. If the application attempts to drop the call before the 64 second timeout is
reached, the library's behavior depends on whether a provisional response was
received. When no provisional response was received before the application cancels
the call, the library cleans up the call immediately. But if a provisional response was
received before the application attempts to cancel the call, the library sends a
CANCEL to the remote endpoint and generates a GCEV_DROPCALL to the
application after it receives the 200OK response to the CANCEL and a
487RequestTerminated response for the original INVITE, or when an additional 32-
second timeout expires.
• On the reference page for the IP_H221NONSTANDARD data structure (page 241),
the descriptions of the three data fields are updated as follows:
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
The country code. Range: 0 to 255; any value x>255 is treated as x%256.
The extension number. Range: 0 to 255; any value x>255 is treated as x%256.
The manufacturer code. Range: 0 to 65535; any value x>65535 is treated as
• In Section 4.16, Registration, on page 113, the fourth bullet item in the second list
[“Once an application is registered, if it wishes to handle calls without the registration
protocol (that is, return to the same node as before registration), it can simply
deregister.”] is incorrect and should be ignored.
• In Section 7.2.26, gc_Start() Variances for IP, the note following the #define
IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE_CALLS applies to both HMP Windows and Linux
versions, and should read:
Note:Do not use IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE_CALLS with applications running on
HMP, since IP_CFG_MAX_AVAILABLE _CALLS will intitialize the stack for
2016 channels. This is an inefficient use of system resources, resulting in a
lengthy initialization time and substantial memory use.
• In Section 7.2.17, gc_OpenEx() Variancesfor IP, the following note should be
Note:Applications should avoid closing and re-opening devices multiple times.
Board devices and channel devices should be opened during intialization and
should remain open for the duration of the application.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
IP Media Library API for Host Media Processing Library
There are currently no updates to this document.
IP Media Library API for Host Media Processing
Programming Guide
There are currently no updates to this document.
Standard Runtime Library API for Linux and Windows
Operating Systems Library Reference
There are currently no updates to this document.
Standard Runtime Library API for Linux Operating Systems
Programming Guide
There are currently no updates to this document.
Voice API for Host Media Processing Library Reference
The dx_mreciottdata( ) function has been added to support the Transaction Record
feature. See the following for information about this function.
dx_mreciottdata( )
record voice data from two TDM bus time slots
Name: dx_mreciottdata (devd, iotp, tptp, xpb, mode, sc_tsinfop)
Inputs: int devd
DX_IOTT *iotp
• valid channel device handle
• pointer to I/O transfer table
DV_TPT *tptp
• pointer to termination control block
• pointer to I/O transfer parameter block
• switch to set audible tone, or DTMF termination
• pointer to time slot information structure
DX_XPB *xpb
USHORT *mode
SC_TSINFO *sc_tsinfop
Returns: 0 success
-1 error return code
Includes: srllib.h
Category: I/O
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Mode: asynchronous or synchronous
„ Description
The dx_mreciottdata( ) function records voice data from two TDM bus time slots. The data may
be recorded to a combination of data files, memory or custom devices.
This function is used for the transaction record feature, which allows you to record two TDM bus
time slots from a single channel. Voice activity on two channels can be summed and stored in a
single file, device, and/or memory.
specifies the valid channel device handle on which the recording is to occur.
The channel descriptor may be that associated with either of the two TDM bus
transmit time slots or a third device also connected to the TDM bus.
points to the I/O Transfer Table Structure, DX_IOTT, which specifies the
order of recording and the location of voice data. For more information on this
structure, see the DX_IOTT data structure.
points to the Termination Parameter Table Structure, DV_TPT, which
specifies the termination conditions for recording. For more information on
this structure, see the DV_TPT data structure.
points to a DX_XPB structure, which specifies the file format, data format,
sampling rate, and resolution for I/O data transfer. For more information on
this structure, see the DX_XPB data structure.
specifies the attributes of the recording mode. One or more of the following
values can be specified:
• 0 – standard record mode
• RM_TONE – transmit a 200 msec tone before initiating record
points to the SC_TSINFO data structure and specifies the TDM bus transmit
time slot values of the two time slots being recorded.
In the SC_TSINFO structure, sc_numts should be set to 2 for channel
recording and sc_tsarrayp should point to an array of two long integers,
specifying the two TDM bus transmit time slots from which to record.
Note: When using RM_TONE bit for tone-initiated record, each time slot must be “listening” to the
transmit time slot of the recording channel; the alert tone can only be transmitted on the recording
channel’s transmit time slot.
After dx_mreciottdata( ) is called, recording continues until one of the following occurs:
dx_stopch( ) is called on the channel whose device handle is specified in the devd parameter
the data requirements specified in the DX_IOTT structure are fulfilled
one of the conditions for termination specified in the DV_TPT structure is satisfied
„ Cautions
All files specified in the DX_IOTT structure are of the file format specified in DC_XPB.
All files recorded will have the same data encoding and rate as DC_XPB.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
When recording VOX files, the data format is specified in DC_XPB rather than through the
dx_setparm( ) function.
Voice data files that are specified in the DX_IOTT structure must be opened with the
O_BINARY flag.
If both time slots transmit a DTMF digit at the same time, the recording will contain an
unintelligible result.
Since this function uses dx_listen( ) to connect the channel to the first specified time slot, any
error returned from dx_listen( ) will terminate the function with the error indicated.
This function connects the channel to the time slot specified in the SC_TSINFO data structure
sc_tsarrayp[0] field and remains connected after the function has completed. Both
sc_tsarrayp[0] and sc_tsarrayp[1] must be within the range allowed in SC_TSINFO. No
checking is done to verify that sc_tsarrayp[0] or sc_tsarrayp[1] has been connected to a valid
Upon termination of the dx_mreciottdata( ) function, the recording channel continues to
listen to the first time slot (pointed to by sc_tsarray[0]).
The application should check for a TDX_RECORD event with T_STOP event data after
executing a dx_stopch( ) function during normal and transaction recording. This will ensure
that all data is written to the disk.
When using dx_mreciottdata( ) and a dial tone is present on one of the time slots, digits will
not be detected until dial tone is no longer present. This is because the DSP cannot determine
the difference between dial tone and DTMF tones.
Tone termination conditions such as DTMF and TONE apply only to the primary input of the
function; that is, the TDM time slot specified in the SC_TSINFO data structure
sc_tsarrayp[0] field.
„ Errors
If the function returns -1, use the Standard Runtime Library (SRL) Standard Attribute function
ATDV_LASTERR( ) to obtain the error code or use ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) to obtain a descriptive
error message. One of the following error codes may be returned:
Invalid device handle
Invalid DX_IOTT entry
Invalid parameter passed
Invalid DV_TPT entry
Busy executing I/O function
Error from operating system
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
„ Example
The following example is for Linux applications.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <srllib.h>
#include <dxxxlib.h>
#define MAXLEN 10000
int devh1, devh2, devh3;
short fd;
DV_TPT tpt;
DX_IOTT iott[2];
DX_XPB xpb;
SC_TSINFO tsinfo;
long scts;
long tslots[32];
char basebufp[MAXLEN];
/* open two voice channels */
if ((devh1 = dx_open("dxxxB1C1", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C1\n");
exit (1);
if ((devh2 = dx_open("dxxxB1C2", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C2\n");
exit (1);
if ((devh3 = dx_open("dxxxB1C3", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C2\n");
exit (1);
if ((fd = open("file.vox", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666)) == -1){
printf("File open error\n");
exit (1);
* Get channels' external time slots
* and fill in tslots[] array
tsinfo.sc_numts = 1;
tsinfo.sc_tsarrayp = &scts;
if (dx_getxmitslot (devh1, &tsinfo) == -1 )
{ /* Handle error */ }
tslots[0] = scts;
if (dx_getxmitslot (devh2, &tsinfo) == -1 )
{ /* Handle error */ }
tslots[1] = scts;
/* Set up SC_TSINFO structure */
tsinfo.sc_numts = 2;
tsinfo.sc_tsarrayp = &tslots[0];
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
/* Set up DX_XPB structure */
xpb.wFileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_VOX;
xpb.wDataFormat = 0;
xpb.nSamplesPerSec = 0L;
xpb.wBitsPerSample = 0;
/*Set up DV_TPT structure */
dx_clrtpt (&tpt,1);
tpt.tp_type = IO_EOT;
tpt.tp_termno = DX_MAXDTMF;
tpt.tp_length = 1;
tpt.tp_flags = TF_MAXDTMF;
/* Set up DX_IOTT structure */
iott[0].io_fhandle = fd;
iott[0].io_type = IO_DEV;
iott[0].io_offset = 0;
iott[0].io_length = MAXLEN;
iott[0].io_offset = IO_EOT;
/* And record from both voice channels */
if (dx_mreciottdata(devh3, &iott[0], &tpt, &xpb, RM_TONE, &tsinfo) == -1) {
printf("Error recording from dxxxB1C1 and dxxxB1C2\n");
printf("error = %s\n", ATDV_ERRMSGP(devh1));
/* Display termination condition value */
printf ("The termination value = %d\n", ATDX_TERMMSK(devh1));
/* And close three voice channels */
if (dx_close(devh3) == -1){
printf("Error closing devh3 \n");
/* Perform system error processing */
if (dx_close(devh2) == -1) {
printf("Error closing devh2\n");
/* Perform system error processing */
exit (3);
if (dx_close(devh1) == -1) {
printf("Error closing devh1\n");
/* Perform system error processing */
exit (3);
if (close(fd) == -1){
printf("File close error \n");
/* And finish */
The following example is for Windows applications.
#include <windows.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <srllib.h>
#include <dxxxlib.h>
#define MAXLEN 10000
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
int devh1, devh2, devh3;
short fd;
DV_TPT tpt;
DX_IOTT iott[2];
DX_XPB xpb;
SC_TSINFO tsinfo;
long scts;
long tslots[32];
char basebufp[MAXLEN];
/* open two voice channels */
if ((devh1 = dx_open("dxxxB1C1", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C1\n");
exit (1);
if ((devh2 = dx_open("dxxxB1C2", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C2\n");
exit (1);
if ((devh3 = dx_open("dxxxB1C3", NULL)) == -1) {
printf("Could not open dxxxB1C2\n");
exit (1);
if ((fd = dx_fileopen("file.vox", O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY)) == -1){
printf("File open error\n");
exit (1);
* Get channels' external time slots
* and fill in tslots[] array
tsinfo.sc_numts = 1;
tsinfo.sc_tsarrayp = &scts;
if (dx_getxmitslot (devh1, &tsinfo) == -1 )
{ /* Handle error */ }
tslots[0] = scts;
if (dx_getxmitslot (devh2, &tsinfo) == -1 )
{ /* Handle error */ }
tslots[1] = scts;
/* Set up SC_TSINFO structure */
tsinfo.sc_numts = 2;
tsinfo.sc_tsarrayp = &tslots[0];
/* Set up DX_XPB structure */
xpb.wFileFormat = FILE_FORMAT_VOX;
xpb.wDataFormat = 0;
xpb.nSamplesPerSec = 0L;
xpb.wBitsPerSample = 0;
/*Set up DV_TPT structure */
dx_clrtpt (&tpt,1);
tpt.tp_type = IO_EOT;
tpt.tp_termno = DX_MAXDTMF;
tpt.tp_length = 1;
tpt.tp_flags = TF_MAXDTMF;
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
/* Set up DX_IOTT structure */
iott[0].io_fhandle = fd;
iott[0].io_type = IO_DEV;
iott[0].io_offset = 0;
iott[0].io_length = MAXLEN;
iott[0].io_offset = IO_EOT;
/* And record from both voice channels */
if (dx_mreciottdata(devh3, &iott[0], &tpt, &xpb, RM_TONE, &tsinfo) == -1) {
printf("Error recording from dxxxB1C1 and dxxxB1C2\n");
printf("error = %s\n", ATDV_ERRMSGP(devh1));
/* Display termination condition value */
printf ("The termination value = %d\n", ATDX_TERMMSK(devh1));
/* And close three voice channels */
if (dx_close(devh3) == -1){
printf("Error closing devh3 \n");
/* Perform system error processing */
if (dx_close(devh2) == -1) {
printf("Error closing devh2\n");
/* Perform system error processing */
exit (3);
if (dx_close(devh1) == -1) {
printf("Error closing devh1\n");
/* Perform system error processing */
exit (3);
if (dx_fileclose(fd) == -1){
printf("File close error \n");
/* And finish */
„ See Also
dx_rec( )
dx_play( )
dx_reciottdata( )
dx_playiottdata( )
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Voice API for Host Media Processing Programming Guide
In section 8.7.4 Streaming to Board Hints and Tips, the default bulk queue buffer size is
incorrectly described as 32 kbytes, rather than 16 kbytes. The second, fifth and sixth
bullets in that section should read as follows:
• The bulk queue buffer specifies the size of the buffer used to transfer voice data
between the application and HMP. This buffer is set to 16 kbytes and cannot be
modified; the dx_setchxfercnt( ) function, which is used to modify the bulk queue
buffer size, is not currently supported.
• Recommendation for the high water mark: it should be based on the following:
(size of the circular stream buffer) minus (two times the size of the bulk queue buffer)
For example, if the circular stream buffer is 500 kbytes, and the bulk queue buffer size
is 16 kbytes, set the high water mark to 468 kbytes (500-32=468).
• Recommendation for the low water mark: it should be two times the size of the bulk
queue buffer size.
Based on the previous example, since the bulk queue buffer size is 16 kbytes, set the
low water mark to 32 kbytes.
The following information is added to Section 1.6, Play and Record Features:
Transaction Record
The transaction record feature allows voice activity on two channels to be summed and
stored in a single file, or in a combination of files, devices, and memory. This feature is
useful in call center applications where it is necessary to archive a verbal transaction or
record a live conversation.
The following information is added to Chapter 8, Recording and Playback:
Transaction Record
Transaction record enables the recording of a two-party conversation by allowing two
time-division multiplexing (TDM) bus time slots from a single channel to be recorded. This
feature is useful for call center applications where it is necessary to archive a verbal
transaction or record a live conversation. A live conversation requires two time slots on the
TDM bus, but Intel voice boards today can only record one time slot at a time. No loss of
channel density is realized with this feature. Voice activity on two channels can be
summed and stored in a single file, or in a combination of files, devices, and/or memory.
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Demonstration Software Documentation
This section contains updates to the following documents:
Audio Conferencing API for Host Media Processing Demo
The Audio Conferencing API for HMP Demo is designed to run using a series of four or
fewer contiguous channels. The highest channel number in the series must be 120 or
lower. Attempts to run the demo using a channel number higher than 120 will cause the
demo to fail.
(IPY00009701 = PTR 34019)
In Section 1.1, “Overview” of Chapter 1, “Demo Description”, for Linux, the Audio
Conferencing API for HMP Demo is located in:
In Section 1.2, “Features” of Chapter 1, “Demo Description”, the following Call Control
feature is not demonstrated by the demo:
• RAS (Gatekeeper) support via the Global Call API
(IPY00009238 = PTR 33768)
In Section 2.1,”Hardware Requirements” of Chapter 2, “System Requirements”, the
first bullet in the Requirements for Linux should read:
• Machine using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3.0, Update 1
operating system with kernel version
In Section 4.1,”Starting the Demo” of Chapter 4, “Running the Demo”, the following
changes apply:
• In Step 1, for Linux, the demo is started by executing the following command:
• Step 2 of the procedure should read: “Make an IP call into the system using two IP
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
Continuous Speech Processing API for Host Media
Processing Demo Guide
The Continuous Speech Processing API for HMP Demo is designed to run using a series
of four or fewer contiguous channels. The highest channel number in the series must be
120 or lower. Attempts to run the demo using a channel number higher than 120 will
cause the demo to fail.
(IPY00009701 = PTR 34019)
For Linux, the Continuous Speech Processing API for HMP Demo is located in:
The demo is started by executing the following command:
./CSPDemo -<option>
IP Media Server for Host Media Processing Demo Guide
The IP Media Server for HMP Demo is designed to run using a series of four or fewer
contiguous channels. The highest channel number in the series must be 120 or lower.
Attempts to run the demo using a channel number higher than 120 will cause the demo to
(IPY00009701 = PTR 34019)
The following changes and corrections apply:
• The name of this document was originally titled IP Media Server (Global Call) Demo
• In Section 3.1.1, “Configuration File Location”, of Chapter 3, “Preparing to Run
the Demo”, the location of the file for Linux should be:
• In Section 3.2, “Compiling and Linking” of Chapter 3, “Preparing to Run the
Demo”, the path given in the example for compiling the entire project should be:
and the path given in the example for compiling an individual module should be:
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
• In Section 4.1, “Starting the Demo” of Chapter 4, “Running the Demo”, the
information in the Linux subsection should read:
The executable is located in:
Run the executable from this location by typing: ./IPMediaServer
• In Section 5.1.1, “Demo Source Code Files”, of Chapter 5, “Demo Details”, the
path for Linux to the demo source code files in Table 3 should be:
and the path for Linux to the demo source code files in Table 4 should be:
• In Section 5.1.2, “PDL Files”, of Chapter 5, “Demo Details”, the path for Linux to
the PDL files in Table 5 should be:
Global Call API Demo Guide
The Global Call API Demo is designed to run using a series of four or fewer contiguous
channels. The highest channel number in the series must be 120 or lower. Attempts to run
the demo using a channel number higher than 120 will cause the demo to fail.
(IPY00009701 = PTR 34019)
For Linux, the Global Call API Demo is located in:
The demo is started by executing the following command:
HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006September 2006
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